Course curriculum

    1. Set up Python & PyCharm on your PC

    2. Variables - Part 01

    3. Variables - Part 02

    1. Arithmetic Operators

    2. Comparator Operators

    3. Assignment Operators

    4. Logical Operators

    5. Identity & Membership Operators

    6. String Operations

    1. List in Python

    2. Tuples in Python

    3. Set in Python

    4. Dictionary in Python

    1. If Else Condition

    2. Foor Loops

    3. While Loops in Python

    1. Functions

    2. Class vs Instance variables

    3. Class method vs static method

    4. Inheritance in Python

    5. Getters & Setters

    1. Selenium Webdriver & project setup

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 49 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Course Introduction

Hi there! I am Abhishek Patel your instructor.

Thank you for checking out my course. Whatever your goal could be, I promise by the end of this course you will know how to efficiently use selenium webdriver and python to automate your tests. As a consultant I have worked enough in the industry to identify what good practices makes automation robust and how much python and selenium is required to efficiently get your job done. Enroll now and let's make change in your career. Want to know more about me? Find me on linkedin at:

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